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Tour 2016 - Cologne
OWRFC on Tour 2 of 2

2. Tour 2016 - Cologne

Dear Fellow Walcountian,

It gives us great pleasure to announce further details of this season's hedonistic extravaganza that we call Tour 2016!

We have been working feverishly with various suppliers to get a decent price for you chaps and now we have done so, it is time to start the ball rolling....

The Key Details:

Location: Cologne
Date: April 2016 (probably the latter part due to league end dates and the need to ring-fence some following Saturdays)
Duration: 3 nights (4 days) - Friday morning to Monday evening
Cost: £300 of you hard earned sterling

For your dough, you will of course receive the following:

1) Quality accomodation with 'in-house' maids (courtesy of Tommo)
2) 2 games of rugby against appropriate opposition (this year with a promise of actual scrums)
3) A fine quality tour shirt
4) A lifetime of memories (some you will want to remember, some not...)
5) The feeling of cameraderie that only comes with seeing your fellow team mates at their absolute lowest ebb (see Ben McDaniel for details)
6) A vibrant, exciting and comedically funny tour committee to keep things bobbing along nicely
7) Oh and did I mention, Virgin Games?

Those who have been will need no reminding of how much fun this is. Those that haven't, well you simply have to do it!

The Crunch

In order to secure a tour cheaper than last years garlic fest in France, we have to be a bit tighter with regards to payment. So in order to secure the tour and get everything sorted, we need a deposit of £75 per head as soon as possible. This week (24th Oct) would be great, Next week (31st October) is pay day so no excuses.

Get to it chaps - this is one not to be missed if the current excitement is anything to go by.

Please email Mike at to secure a place and indicate when you will make payment. Electronic fund transfer is preferable but cash will also work.
I will give you bank details when you confirm. For you tour regulars, we need your help by getting your deposits/full amounts in ASAP.

Yours in touring

Mike Bramble (07960 881461) & Steve Allen (07939 207767)
OWRFC Tour Managers